J uly 2015 NAJOM Miracles with Shonishin and Paediatric Acupuncture by Katrianna Heigelmann Many of us practitioners shy away from treating children. I was no exception, following the words of the famous physician Sun Si Miao (Tang 618-907): “better to treat 10 men than 1 woman, better to treat 10 women than 1 baby.” The breakthrough usually happens when one becomes a parent and reaches out for more infor- mation and training in the treatment of children. Pediatrics class at a TCM college is just not enough. I found in my journey as an acupuncturist and mother that acupuncture, especially Japanese- style, offers much for our little ones. Although chapters of the Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials of the Golden Cabinet) and Mai Jing Pulse Classics of the Han Dynasty were applied to pediatrics, the Song Dynasty Physician Qian Yi (circa 1032-1113) wrote the rst actual pediatrics manual. Qian Yi recognized children as unique beings with distinctive physiologies and pat...